Monday, February 11, 2013

sunday school according to jem

Me: So what did you learn about today in Sunday school?
Jem: Maybe we learned about a boy. And he was done with all of his money so he asked a farmer for job.
Tru: Yeah, and there was yucky sloppy stuff and he was going to eat it.
Jem: The farmer told him to feed the pigs and the boy was going to eat it because it looked yummy. It was sloppy, like sloppy joes. It had slop in it like a sloppy joe but it was slimy and gross.

This was around the point where I figured out that we were talking about the Prodigal Son. Sometimes, it takes a few minutes before I can connect what they are saying to a bible story. My kids don't always tell stories in sequential order.

Tru: The boy threw his money away. He wasted it because he bought food. (thank you teachers for making it about food and leaving out the other things he spent his money on)
Jem: And the dad looked for him. He looked and looked like you would look for a boy or maybe a kitty cat. And then he picked him up and hugged him.
Me: What does that story have to do with God?
Jem: Well, God told it because He loves His people.

Well said, Jemmy. Well said.

photo by: htomren

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