Thursday, February 21, 2013

mom brain

Sometimes, my logical normal-person brain gets overridden by my exhausted mom brain. Take today for example. We pulled into the garage after preschool and the boys asked if they could play outside. Logical brain said, "It just snowed last night and most of the snow has melted. That means a lot of mud which isn't a good idea." But exhausted mom brain just steamrolled over logical brain. There was the argument that the boys could wear their snow boots, thus keeping their shoes clean. That was followed by the idea that lunch could be made without someone asking when it would be ready every 15 seconds. Then there was the reminder that the boys have a lot of energy and it's good for them to be outside. Completing the whole argument was the plea for just five minutes alone. So exhausted mom brain won and I helped the boys put on their snow boots and went inside.
Ten minutes later, we were all in the laundry room. Tru was crying because he had to sit down to take off his mud-covered pants while Jem tried to wash his muddy hands off in the sink. I did my best to dance around both of them, reminding them from time to time to keep their hands off me. By the time we were finished, I had to run a load of laundry, both boys needed new pants, and the floor had to be scrubbed. Thanks a lot exhausted mom brain.

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