There are days when the only word I can use to describe being a mom of such young children is exhaustion. Days when everyone seems to need all of me all of the time. Days when I could swear the clock is moving backwards and I'm just hanging on until bedtime.
I recently watched an episode of Dowton Abbey and there was a conversation between the Dowager Countess and Isobel. It made me feel so much better about those days.
The Dowager: One forgets about parenthood; the on and on-ness of it.
Isobel: Were you a very involved mother with Robert and Rosamund?
The Dowager: Does it surprise you?
Isobel: A bit. I'd imagined them surrounded by nannies and governesses being starched and ironed to spend an hour with you after tea.
The Dowager: Yes. But it was an hour, every day.
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