Wednesday, May 1, 2013

cursing at inanimate objects

Those of you who know me or have read my blog in the past, know that I love nap time at my house. I crave that hour of silence and alone time in the middle of the day and I guard it jealously. Of course, sometimes things don't go quite as planned. 
A few moments after sitting down today, I heard Tru yelling for me. I went up to check on him and he informed me that he needed to use the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, I finally had him back in bed. (He insisted that I could go back downstairs and he could take care of everything on his own but I know how that story ends.) Then, just as I was shutting his door, Jem peeks his head out and insists that he, too, needs to use the potty. He actually can be trusted to put himself back to bed, for the most part, so I headed back downstairs to salvage the rest of my time. 
Several minutes later, I heard the toilet flush two times in a row and then heard Jem call down to me that he was having trouble plunging the toilet. What!?! Trouble doing what now?! I ran upstairs to find water running across the bathroom floor, deep enough that the cuffs of my jeans got wet. I ripped the top off of the tank and pulled up the plug hoping that would help. It didn't. It just sent more water gushing out of the toilet. So I reached down and turned it off manually and then grabbed towels to try and soak it up. I told Jem to go change his socks and get back in bed and then went downstairs to investigate the curious "rain" sound that I was hearing. That was coming from our downstairs bathroom where water was leaking through the vent all over the floor. As I was sopping that up with towels, our upstairs smoke detector suddenly started going off. I ran back upstairs and started waving a towel at it. Why, you might ask? Um...because that is what we do when it goes off since it is normally caused by smoke from an overcooked meal. So even though I knew that there wasn't any smoke, I still fanned away. I then began yelling at it as two little heads peeked out of doorways to find out what was happening. 
I ran back down to the basement to get a step stool only to realize that the alarm was also going off down there. I was able to pull the detector off of the ceiling, intent on taking out the batteries but was dismayed to discover that it only had wires. 
This was the point when I called Sam a second time. I had called him once before and realized that there wasn't much for him to do. But seeing those wires and realizing that I couldn't make the horrid shrieking noise stop, I called again. He wasn't able to answer. I left a message that basically said nothing more than, "There aren't any batteries. I can't shut it off! Arghhh!!!!!" He called back a few moments later and said that he was on his way home. I guess telling your boss that your house is flooding with "poop" water and the smoke alarm is blaring and your wife might lose it qualifies you to leave a little early to deal with things. 
So on the downside, not only was nap time a complete bust, I spent it cleaning up dirty toilet water and swearing at our smoke detectors. On the upside, my hubby got home 1 1/2 hours earlier than usual and didn't make me feel like a complete dork for letting the afternoon unhinge me. 
By the way, the smoke detector was going off because somehow, someway, toilet water ran through it causing it to malfunction. 

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